Talent/Media Release

Are you interested in being on the Patrick Bass Show? Have you already been scheduled as a co-host or guest? Please complete this form prior to the show. If you have any questions, contact info@vanguardradio.net

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Patrick Bass Show BannerWe will treat all your submitted information as confidential. We will take appropriate measures to protect your information and will not share or disclose it to anyone unless compelled by a court of law or legal order.

Information is optional unless marked with a red asterisk.

Full name
This is the name Patrick will refer to you by during the show.
This is the number the producer will use to contact you for show purposes.
Address (Optional)
Do not include anything here that you do not want discussed on the show.
Ideally, this should be written in a way that is ready for Patrick to read as your introduction (written in the third person).
Include things you would be interested in discussing with Patrick.
Please list any topics that are "off-limits" for discussion. If there are none, enter "N/A". Please note that if a topic is not listed here, it may be discussed.
My team and I dedicate significant effort to "show prep" to ensure your episode is successful. This includes conducting internet searches, exploring social media, and more. My goal is to provide the best platform for you to share your experiences.

To help us prepare, please list any questions you may have prepared in advance. While we can't promise to use them all, they provide a great starting point.

Generally, I prefer our conversation to flow organically. Therefore, during the sound checks on the day of the show, I won't engage in much serious talk, saving it all for the actual recording.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
Please upload any materials you'd like Patrick to review. If you plan to discuss a book you've written, consider uploading a digital copy here or sending a physical copy via postal mail to:

Patrick Bass
2009 S 71st St.
Fort Smith, AR 72903
If you are promoting a product or service, offering a discount to my listeners can be highly beneficial. This not only adds value for the audience but also allows you to track the source of your leads and sales. Please provide any product or service descriptions, URLs, and discount codes you wish to include.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
We require a 300-dpi (high resolution) headshot to be used for promotional purposes. The image should be at least 3000 x 3000 pixels. We accept PNG, GIF or JPG images.

Release Agreement

This Talent/Media Release ("Agreement") is entered into between Patrick W. Bass ("Producer") and the undersigned guest ("Guest") for participation in "The Patrick Bass Show" ("Show").

Grant of Rights

Guest grants Producer and its affiliates, successors, and assigns the following rights without restriction:

Recording: To record Guest's voice, likeness, image, and statements during the interview.

Distribution: To use, distribute, reproduce, and publish the recordings in any media or format, now known or hereafter devised, worldwide, and in perpetuity.

Editing: To edit, adapt, modify, and transform the recordings as needed for the Show and related promotional purposes. This includes the right to use clips, entire recordings, or none at all at the Producer's discretion.

Promotional Use: To use Guest's name, likeness, image, and biographical information for promotional and marketing purposes related to the Show.

No Compensation

Guest acknowledges that they will not receive any compensation for participation in the Show or for the rights granted herein.

Representations and Warranties

Guest represents and warrants that:

  • They have the full right and authority to enter into this Agreement.
  • Their participation and the rights granted do not infringe on any third-party rights.
  • They will not disclose any confidential information or violate any non-disclosure agreements during the interview.
  • They will have a stable internet connection and a web camera capable of at least HD video (4K is not required, but appreciated).
  • They will not record interactions on their end; only the Producer is authorized to record.

Content Guidelines

Guest agrees to conform to FCC guidelines as documented here.

Promotional Obligations

Guest agrees to use reasonable means to advertise their appearance on the Show on their social media channels. This includes posting notices of the Show and promoting their appearance.

Self-Promotion on the Show

Guest is allowed to promote or advertise their products or services while on the Show.


Guest agrees not to divulge any private, personal, or confidential information about the Show, the Producer, or any other guest that they may come to learn as a result of their participation in the Show. Confidential information includes, but is not limited to:

  • Details about the production process and internal operations of the Show.
  • Personal information about the Producer, staff, or other guests.
  • Non-public information discussed off-air or during preparations.
  • Any sensitive information that could harm the reputation or operations of the Show or its participants if disclosed.

Release and Indemnity

Guest releases and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Producer and its affiliates, employees, agents, and assigns from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising out of or related to Guest's participation in the Show and the use of the recordings as permitted herein.

Responsibility Disclaimer

The Show is not responsible for any statements, opinions, or content provided by other guests, co-hosts, callers, or any other participants. Each participant is solely responsible for their own statements and actions.

Legal Indemnification

Guest agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Producer and its affiliates, employees, agents, and assigns from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) arising out of or related to:

  • Any statements or actions made by Guest during their Appearance on Show.
  • Any breach by Guest of their representations, warranties, or obligations under this Agreement.

In the event a claim is brought against Producer for which Guest has indemnified Producer under this Agreement:

  • Producer will promptly notify Guest in writing of the claim.
  • Guest will have the right to assume the defense of the claim, with counsel reasonably satisfactory to Producer.
  • Producer will cooperate with Guest in the defense of the claim, at Guest’s expense.

Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Arkansas, without regard to its conflict of laws principles.

Entire Agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties regarding the subject matter herein and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, and representations.

Acknowledgment and Agreement
Acknowledgment and Agreement 2
Acknowledgment and Agreement 3
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